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Localization notes

the translations in pyright come from microsoft's localization team, who are not programmers. this not only results in poor quality translations, but microsoft also doesn't accept contributions to fix them (more info here).

in basedpyright we want to fix this but we need your help! if you are fluent in a language other than english and would like to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated.

Here are some guidelines for contributors who would like to help improve the translations in basedpyright.

General guidelines

  • Do not use any automatic translation tools.
  • In cases where a word is difficult to translate but it refers to the name of a symbol, leaving it in English and using backticks makes more sense than attempting to translate it. For example, if the English error message says "cannot assign to Final variable" then the translation could just be "невозможно присвоить переменной Final" instead of trying to use a Russian word for "final".
  • basedpyright is maintained by developers who only speak English, so it would be helpful if you could get someone who also speaks your language to review your changes as well.
  • new rules that are specific to basedpyright currently do not have any translations at all (see this issue). Providing translations for those would be greatly appreciated.
  • The initial translations from Pyright seem to be pretty low quality and low consistency. If you want to start a "renovation" for a particular language, it's a good idea to come up with a glossary of common terms so that the final translations will be consistent. Check if the has a translation for your language, and if it does, use that as a baseline.

Specific languages


Style guide

  • Буква Ё/ё не используется
  • Знак препинания ; заменяется на точку
  • Не стоит в точности повторять структуру английского сообщения, если она неестественна для русского языка. В частности избегайте конструкции X является Y (класс Foo является абстрактным -> класс Foo абстрактный)
  • По возможности делайте структуру сообщения проще


English term Canonical translation
Type annotation Аннотация типа
Comprehension Включение
set (встроенный тип) Множество
Type variable Переменная типа
Final Final (как есть)
@final / final class @final (как есть)
Data class Датакласс
Enum Перечисление
f-string f-строка
Format string literal f-строка
XYZ is deprecated XYZ [больше] не рекомендуется
Complex [number] Комплексное число
keyword argument/parameter Именованный аргумент/параметр
mapping mapping (нет перевода)
awaitable awaitable (нет перевода) или: поддерживающий await
positional-only только позиционный
keyword-only только именованный


Style guide

  • 风格调整参考了该项目 sparanoid/chinese-copywriting-guidelines,该项目提供了一些中文文案排版的基本规范,以便提高文案的可读性。
  • 通常在中英文混排时,中文与英文之间需要添加空格,以增加可读性。在原始翻译中,这一规则仅在部分文本中得到了遵循,因此对其进行了调整。并且通过引号括起的文本和参数文本也遵循这一规则,在两侧添加空格以强调其内容。
  • 原始翻译中存在中文的全角标点符号和英文的半角标点符号混用,同时存在使用不正确,因此对其进行调整。考虑到文本格式化时部分条目会出现硬编码的直引号 ",因此将所有格式化参数的双引号统一为英文直双引号,代码符号统一为反引号。除引号以外的非英文之间的标点全部统一为全角标点符号。
  • 没必要完整遵循原文,以符合中文理解习惯和语法为主。
  • 若翻译后文本并不是常见写法,可添加括号并标注原文。


原词 (Word) 原始翻译 (Original) 调整翻译 (Adjusted) 错译类型 (Type of Mistranslation)
annotation (类型)批注 (类型)注解 与文档不一致/Inconsistent with Python docs
Any 任意 Any 语义错误/Wrong meaning
Unknown 未知 未知 固定术语/Terminology
argument 参数 参数/实参 语义错误/Wrong meaning
import 导入/Import 导入 语义错误/Wrong meaning
parameter 参数 参数/形参 语义错误/Wrong meaning
True true/True True 语义错误/Wrong meaning
assign 分配 赋值 词义错误/Wrong meaning
comprehension 理解 推导式 词义错误/Wrong meaning
follow 遵循 在。.. 之后 词义错误/Wrong meaning
implementation/unimplemented (未)实施/实行(的) (未)实现(的) 词义错误/Wrong meaning
obscure 遮盖/隐蔽 覆盖 词义错误/Wrong meaning