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Command-line & language server

unlike pyright, the basedpyright CLI and language server are available as a pypi package.

this makes it far more convenient for python developers to use, since there's no need to install any additional tools. just install it normally via your package manager of choice:

add it to your project's dev dependencies (recommended):

uv add --dev basedpyright

or just install it:

uv pip install basedpyright
pdm add --dev basedpyright
pip install basedpyright

other installation methods

the basedpyright CLI & language server is also available outside of pypi:

conda install conda-forge::basedpyright
brew install basedpyright
npm install basedpyright

note that we recommend installing basedpyright via pypi instead - see here for more information.

the basedpyright npm package is intended for users who are unable to use the pypi package for some reason. for example if you're using an operating system not supported by nodejs-wheel or a version of python older than 3.8.


once installed, the basedpyright and basedpyright-langserver scripts will be available in your python environment. when running basedpyright via the command line, use the basedpyright command:

basedpyright --help

for instructions on how to use basedpyright-langserver, see the IDE-specific instructions.