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note that most of these editor plugins require the language server to be installed.

VSCode / VSCodium


install the extension from the vscode extension marketplace

using basedpyright with pylance (not recommended)

unless you depend on any pylance-exclusive features that haven't yet been re-implemented in basedpyright, it's recommended to disable/uninstall the pylance extension.

if you do want to continue using pylance, all of the options and commands in basedpyright have been renamed to avoid any conflicts with the pylance extension, and the restriction that prevents both extensions from being enabled at the same time has been removed.

if basedpyright detects that pylance is installed, you will see a popup prompting you to choose whether to uninstall pylance or fix your settings to allow both extensions to work without overlapping functionality:

clicking "Fix settings & keep both extensions" will set the following settings for you automatically:

    // disable pylance's type checking and only use its language server
    "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode": "off",

    // disable basedpyright's language server and only use its type checking
    "basedpyright.disableLanguageServices": true


install the extension from the open VSX registry


the basedpyright extension will automatically look for the pypi package in your python environment.

if you're adding basedpyright as a development dependency in your project, we recommend adding it to the recommended extensions list in your workspace to prompt others working on your repo to install it:

    "recommendations": ["detachhead.basedpyright"]


You need to install the LSP client addapter plugin, nvim-lspconfig, for setting up the LSP for the editor. These configurations are for launching the LSP server, as well as for being able to give launching parameters at the same time.

To install the necessary sever command, for the LSP server itself, use the pypi package installation method (as mentioned previously in this section). Or if already using Mason.nvim, follow their instructions for installing their packages. The latter approach allows you to have the version of BasedPyright maintained and upgraded by Mason project.

Setting-up Neovim

BasedPyright is available through the nvim-lspconfig adapter for native Neovim's LSP support.

After having both, the client-side plugin and the LSP server command installed, simply add this settings to your Neovim's settings:

local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")

Further info for this LSP server options for nvim-lspconfig are available on their docs, linked above.


Vim users can install coc-basedpyright, the BasedPyright extension for coc.nvim.

Sublime Text

Sublime text users can install both LSP and LSP-basedpyright via Package Control.


Emacs users have 3 options:


basedpyright is the default language server for python in lsp-bridge, so no additional configuration is required.


add the following to your emacs config:

(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
             '((python-mode python-ts-mode)
               "basedpyright-langserver" "--stdio"))


with lsp-pyright (any commit after: 0c0d72a, update the package if you encounter errors), add the following to your emacs config:

(setq lsp-pyright-langserver-command "basedpyright")


install the Pyright plugin

configure it to use basedpyright by specifying the path to the basedpyright-langserver executable and set "Running mode" to "LSP4IJ":


Install the LSP server itself, using the pypi package installation method (as mentioned previously in this section). Then add the following to your languages file:

name = "python"
language-servers = [ "basedpyright" ]

You can verify the active configuration by running hx --health python