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Type concepts advanced

Static Typing: Advanced Topics

Type Narrowing

Pyright uses a technique called “type narrowing” to track the type of an expression based on code flow. Consider the following code:

val_str: str = "hi"
val_int: int = 3

def func(val: float | str | complex, test: bool):
    reveal_type(val) # int | str | complex

    val = val_int # Type is narrowed to int
    reveal_type(val) # int

    if test:
        val = val_str # Type is narrowed to str
        reveal_type(val) # str

    reveal_type(val) # int | str

    if isinstance(val, int):
        reveal_type(val) # int
        reveal_type(val) # str

At the start of this function, the type checker knows nothing about val other than that its declared type is float | str | complex. Then it is assigned a value that has a known type of int. This is a legal assignment because int is considered a subclass of float. At the point in the code immediately after the assignment, the type checker knows that the type of val is an int. This is a “narrower” (more specific) type than float | str | complex. Type narrowing is applied whenever a symbol is assigned a new value.

Another assignment occurs several lines further down, this time within a conditional block. The symbol val is assigned a value known to be of type str, so the narrowed type of val is now str. Once the code flow of the conditional block merges with the main body of the function, the narrowed type of val becomes int | str because the type checker cannot statically predict whether the conditional block will be executed at runtime.

Another way that types can be narrowed is through the use of conditional code flow statements like if, while, and assert. Type narrowing applies to the block of code that is “guarded” by that condition, so type narrowing in this context is sometimes referred to as a “type guard”. For example, if you see the conditional statement if x is None:, the code within that if statement can assume that x contains None. Within the code sample above, we see an example of a type guard involving a call to isinstance. The type checker knows that isinstance(val, int) will return True only in the case where val contains a value of type int, not type str. So the code within the if block can assume that val contains a value of type int, and the code within the else block can assume that val contains a value of type str. This demonstrates how a type (in this case int | str) can be narrowed in both a positive (if) and negative (else) test.

The following expression forms support type narrowing:

  • <ident> (where <ident> is an identifier)
  • <expr>.<member> (member access expression where <expr> is a supported expression form)
  • <expr>[<int>] (subscript expression where <int> is a non-negative integer)
  • <expr>[<str>] (subscript expression where <str> is a string literal)

Examples of expressions that support type narrowing:

  • my_var
  • args[3]
  • kwargs["bar"]
  • a.b.c[3]["x"].d

Type Guards

In addition to assignment-based type narrowing, Pyright supports the following type guards.

  • x is None and x is not None
  • x == None and x != None
  • x is ... and x is not ... (where ... is an ellipsis token)
  • x == ... and x != ... (where ... is an ellipsis token)
  • type(x) is T and type(x) is not T
  • type(x) == T and type(x) != T
  • x is E and x is not E (where E is a literal enum or bool)
  • x is C and x is not C (where C is a class)
  • x == L and x != L (where L is an expression that evaluates to a literal type)
  • x.y is None and x.y is not None (where x is a type that is distinguished by a field with a None)
  • x.y is E and x.y is not E (where E is a literal enum or bool and x is a type that is distinguished by a field with a literal type)
  • x.y == LN and x.y != LN (where LN is a literal expression or None and x is a type that is distinguished by a field or property with a literal type)
  • x[K] == V, x[K] != V, x[K] is V, and x[K] is not V (where K and V are literal expressions and x is a type that is distinguished by a TypedDict field with a literal type)
  • x[I] == V and x[I] != V (where I and V are literal expressions and x is a known-length tuple that is distinguished by the index indicated by I)
  • x[I] is B and x[I] is not B (where I is a literal expression, B is a bool or enum literal, and x is a known-length tuple that is distinguished by the index indicated by I)
  • x[I] is None and x[I] is not None (where I is a literal expression and x is a known-length tuple that is distinguished by the index indicated by I)
  • len(x) == L, len(x) != L, len(x) < L, etc. (where x is tuple and L is an expression that evaluates to an int literal type)
  • x in y or x not in y (where y is instance of list, set, frozenset, deque, tuple, dict, defaultdict, or OrderedDict)
  • S in D and S not in D (where S is a string literal and D is a TypedDict)
  • isinstance(x, T) (where T is a type or a tuple of types)
  • issubclass(x, T) (where T is a type or a tuple of types)
  • f(x) (where f is a user-defined type guard as defined in PEP 647 or PEP 742)
  • bool(x) (where x is any expression that is statically verifiable to be truthy or falsey in all cases)
  • x (where x is any expression that is statically verifiable to be truthy or falsey in all cases)

Expressions supported for type guards include simple names, member access chains (e.g. a.b.c.d), the unary not operator, the binary and and or operators, subscripts that are integer literals (e.g. a[2] or a[-1]), and call expressions. Other operators (such as arithmetic operators or other subscripts) are not supported.

Some type guards are able to narrow in both the positive and negative cases. Positive cases are used in if statements, and negative cases are used in else statements. (Positive and negative cases are flipped if the type guard expression is preceded by a not operator.) In some cases, the type can be narrowed only in the positive or negative case but not both. Consider the following examples:

class Foo: pass
class Bar: pass

def func1(val: Foo | Bar):
    if isinstance(val, Bar):
        reveal_type(val) # Bar
        reveal_type(val) # Foo

def func2(val: float | None):
    if val:
        reveal_type(val) # float
        reveal_type(val) # float | None

In the example of func1, the type was narrowed in both the positive and negative cases. In the example of func2, the type was narrowed only the positive case because the type of val might be either float (specifically, a value of 0.0) or None in the negative case.

Aliased Conditional Expression

Pyright also supports a type guard expression c, where c is an identifier that refers to a local variable that is assigned one of the above supported type guard expression forms. These are called “aliased conditional expressions”. Examples include c = a is not None and c = isinstance(a, str). When “c” is used within a conditional check, it can be used to narrow the type of expression a.

This pattern is supported only in cases where c is a local variable within a module or function scope and is assigned a value only once. It is also limited to cases where expression a is a simple identifier (as opposed to a member access expression or subscript expression), is local to the function or module scope, and is assigned only once within the scope. Unary not operators are allowed for expression a, but binary and and or are not.

def func1(x: str | None):
    is_str = x is not None

    if is_str:
        reveal_type(x) # str
        reveal_type(x) # None
def func2(val: str | bytes):
    is_str = not isinstance(val, bytes)

    if not is_str:
        reveal_type(val) # bytes
        reveal_type(val) # str
def func3(x: list[str | None]) -> str:
    is_str = x[0] is not None

    if is_str:
        # This technique doesn't work for subscript expressions,
        # so x[0] is not narrowed in this case.
        reveal_type(x[0]) # str | None
def func4(x: str | None):
    is_str = x is not None

    if is_str:
        # This technique doesn't work in cases where the target
        # expression is assigned elsewhere. Here `x` is assigned
        # elsewhere in the function, so its type is not narrowed
        # in this case.
        reveal_type(x) # str | None

    x = ""

Narrowing for Implied Else

When an “if” or “elif” clause is used without a corresponding “else”, Pyright will generally assume that the code can “fall through” without executing the “if” or “elif” block. However, there are cases where the analyzer can determine that a fall-through is not possible because the “if” or “elif” is guaranteed to be executed based on type analysis.

def func1(x: int):
    if x == 1 or x == 2:
        y = True

    print(y) # Error: "y" is possibly unbound

def func2(x: Literal[1, 2]):
    if x == 1 or x == 2:
        y = True

    print(y) # No error

This can be especially useful when exhausting all members in an enum or types in a union.

from enum import Enum

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    BLUE = 2
    GREEN = 3

def func3(color: Color) -> str:
    if color == Color.RED or color == Color.BLUE:
        return "yes"
    elif color == Color.GREEN:
        return "no"

def func4(value: str | int) -> str:
    if isinstance(value, str):
        return "received a str"
    elif isinstance(value, int):
        return "received an int"

If you later added another color to the Color enumeration above (e.g. YELLOW = 4), Pyright would detect that func3 no longer exhausts all members of the enumeration and possibly returns None, which violates the declared return type. Likewise, if you modify the type of the value parameter in func4 to expand the union, a similar error will be produced.

This “narrowing for implied else” technique works for all narrowing expressions listed above with the exception of simple falsey/truthy statements and type guards. It is also limited to simple names and doesn’t work with member access or index expressions, and it requires that the name has a declared type (an explicit type annotation). These limitations are imposed because this functionality would otherwise have significant impact on analysis performance.

Narrowing Any

In general, the type Any is not narrowed. The only exceptions to this rule are the built-in isinstance and issubclass type guards, class pattern matching in “match” statements, and user-defined type guards. In all other cases, Any is left as is, even for assignments.

a: Any = 3
reveal_type(a) # Any

a = "hi"
reveal_type(a) # Any

The same applies to Any when it is used as a type argument.

b: Iterable[Any] = [1, 2, 3]
reveal_type(b) # list[Any]

c: Iterable[str] = [""]
b = c
reveal_type(b) # list[Any]

Narrowing for Captured Variables

If a variable’s type is narrowed in an outer scope and the variable is subsequently captured by an inner-scoped function or lambda, Pyright retains the narrowed type if it can determine that the value of the captured variable is not modified on any code path after the inner-scope function or lambda is defined and is not modified in another scope via a nonlocal or global binding.

def func(val: int | None):
    if val is not None:

        def inner_1() -> None:
            reveal_type(val)  # int
            print(val + 1)

        inner_2 = lambda: reveal_type(val) + 1  # int


Value-Constrained Type Variables

When a TypeVar is defined, it can be constrained to two or more types (values).

# Example of unconstrained type variable
_T = TypeVar("_T")

# Example of value-constrained type variables
_StrOrFloat = TypeVar("_StrOrFloat", str, float)

When a value-constrained TypeVar appears more than once within a function signature, the type provided for all instances of the TypeVar must be consistent.

def add(a: _StrOrFloat, b: _StrOrFloat) -> _StrOrFloat:
    return a + b

# The arguments for `a` and `b` are both `str`
v1 = add("hi", "there")
reveal_type(v1) # str

# The arguments for `a` and `b` are both `float`
v2 = add(1.3, 2.4)
reveal_type(v2) # float

# The arguments for `a` and `b` are inconsistent types
v3 = add(1.3, "hi") # Error

Conditional Types and Type Variables

When checking the implementation of a function that uses type variables in its signature, the type checker must verify that type consistency is guaranteed. Consider the following example, where the input parameter and return type are both annotated with a type variable. The type checker must verify that if a caller passes an argument of type str, then all code paths must return a str. Likewise, if a caller passes an argument of type float, all code paths must return a float.

def add_one(value: _StrOrFloat) -> _StrOrFloat:
    if isinstance(value, str):
        sum = value + "1"
        sum = value + 1

    reveal_type(sum)  # str* | float*
    return sum

The type of variable sum is reported with a star (*). This indicates that internally the type checker is tracking the type as a “conditional” type. In this particular example, it indicates that sum is a str type if the parameter value is a str but is a float if value is a float. By tracking these conditional types, the type checker can verify that the return type is consistent with the return type _StrOrFloat. Conditional types are a form of intersection type, and they are considered subtypes of both the concrete type and the type variable.

Inferred Type of “self” and “cls” Parameters

When a type annotation for a method’s self or cls parameter is omitted, pyright will infer its type based on the class that contains the method. The inferred type is internally represented as a type variable that is bound to the class.

The type of self is represented as Self@ClassName where ClassName is the class that contains the method. Likewise, the cls parameter in a class method will have the type Type[Self@ClassName].

class Parent:
    def method1(self):
        reveal_type(self)  # Self@Parent
        return self

    def method2(cls):
        reveal_type(cls)  # Type[Self@Parent]
        return cls

class Child(Parent):

reveal_type(Child().method1())  # Child
reveal_type(Child.method2())  # Type[Child]


Some functions or methods can return one of several different types. In cases where the return type depends on the types of the input arguments, it is useful to specify this using a series of @overload signatures. When Pyright evaluates a call expression, it determines which overload signature best matches the supplied arguments.

PEP 484 introduced the @overload decorator and described how it can be used, but the PEP did not specify precisely how a type checker should choose the “best” overload. Pyright uses the following rules.

  1. Pyright first filters the list of overloads based on simple “arity” (number of arguments) and keyword argument matching. For example, if one overload requires two positional arguments but only one positional argument is supplied by the caller, that overload is eliminated from consideration. Likewise, if the call includes a keyword argument but no corresponding parameter is included in the overload, it is eliminated from consideration.

  2. Pyright next considers the types of the arguments and compares them to the declared types of the corresponding parameters. If the types do not match for a given overload, that overload is eliminated from consideration. Bidirectional type inference is used to determine the types of the argument expressions.

  3. If only one overload remains, it is the “winner”.

  4. If more than one overload remains, the “winner” is chosen based on the order in which the overloads are declared. In general, the first remaining overload is the “winner”. There are two exceptions to this rule. Exception 1: When an *args (unpacked) argument matches a *args parameter in one of the overload signatures, this overrides the normal order-based rule. Exception 2: When two or more overloads match because an argument evaluates to Any or Unknown, the matching overload is ambiguous. In this case, pyright examines the return types of the remaining overloads and eliminates types that are duplicates or are subsumed by (i.e. proper subtypes of) other types in the list. If only one type remains after this coalescing step, that type is used. If more than one type remains after this coalescing step, the type of the call expression evaluates to Unknown. For example, if two overloads are matched due to an argument that evaluates to Any, and those two overloads have return types of str and LiteralString, pyright will coalesce this to just str because LiteralString is a proper subtype of str. If the two overloads have return types of str and bytes, the call expression will evaluate to Unknown because str and bytes have no overlap.

  5. If no overloads remain, Pyright considers whether any of the arguments are union types. If so, these union types are expanded into their constituent subtypes, and the entire process of overload matching is repeated with the expanded argument types. If two or more overloads match, the union of their respective return types form the final return type for the call expression. This "union expansion" can result in a combinatoric explosion if many arguments evaluate to union types. For example, if four arguments are present, and they all evaluate to unions that expand to ten subtypes, this could result in 10^4 combinations. Pyright expands unions for arguments left to right and halts expansion when the number of signatures exceeds 64.

  6. If no overloads remain and all unions have been expanded, a diagnostic is generated indicating that the supplied arguments are incompatible with all overload signatures.

Class and Instance Variables

Most object-oriented languages clearly differentiate between class variables and instance variables. Python is a bit looser in that it allows an object to overwrite a class variable with an instance variable of the same name.

class A:
    my_var = 0

    def my_method(self):
        self.my_var = "hi!"

a = A()
print(A.my_var) # Class variable value of 0
print(a.my_var) # Class variable value of 0

A.my_var = 1
print(A.my_var) # Updated class variable value of 1
print(a.my_var) # Updated class variable value of 1

a.my_method() # Writes to the instance variable my_var
print(A.my_var) # Class variable value of 1
print(a.my_var) # Instance variable value of "hi!"

A.my_var = 2
print(A.my_var) # Updated class variable value of 2
print(a.my_var) # Instance variable value of "hi!"

Pyright differentiates between three types of variables: pure class variables, regular class variables, and pure instance variables.

Pure Class Variables

If a class variable is declared with a ClassVar annotation as described in PEP 526, it is considered a “pure class variable” and cannot be overwritten by an instance variable of the same name.

from typing import ClassVar

class A:
    x: ClassVar[int] = 0

    def instance_method(self):
        self.x = 1  # Type error: Cannot overwrite class variable

    def class_method(cls):
        cls.x = 1

a = A()

A.x = 1
a.x = 2  # Type error: Cannot overwrite class variable

Regular Class Variables

If a class variable is declared without a ClassVar annotation, it can be overwritten by an instance variable of the same name. The declared type of the instance variable is assumed to be the same as the declared type of the class variable.

Regular class variables can also be declared within a class method using a cls member access expression, but declaring regular class variables within the class body is more common and generally preferred for readability.

class A:
    x: int = 0
    y: int

    def instance_method(self):
        self.x = 1
        self.y = 2

    def class_method(cls):
        cls.z: int = 3

A.y = 0
A.z = 0
print(f"{A.x}, {A.y}, {A.z}")  # 0, 0, 0

print(f"{A.x}, {A.y}, {A.z}")  # 0, 0, 3

a = A()
print(f"{a.x}, {a.y}, {a.z}")  # 0, 0, 3
print(f"{a.x}, {a.y}, {a.z}")  # 1, 2, 3

a.x = "hi!"  # Error: Incompatible type

Pure Instance Variables

If a variable is not declared within the class body but is instead declared within a class method using a self member access expression, it is considered a “pure instance variable”. Such variables cannot be accessed through a class reference.

class A:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x: int = 0
        self.y: int

print(A.x)  # Error: 'x' is not a class variable

a = A()

a.x = 1
a.y = 2
print(f"{a.x}, {a.y}")  # 1, 2

print(a.z)  # Error: 'z' is not an known member

Inheritance of Class and Instance Variables

Class and instance variables are inherited from parent classes. If a parent class declares the type of a class or instance variable, a derived class must honor that type when assigning to it.

class Parent:
    x: int | str | None
    y: int

class Child(Parent):
    x = "hi!"
    y = None  # Error: Incompatible type

The derived class can redeclare the type of a class or instance variable. If reportIncompatibleVariableOverride is enabled, the redeclared type must be the same as the type declared by the parent class. If the variable is immutable (as in a frozen dataclass), it is considered covariant, and it can be redeclared as a subtype of the type declared by the parent class.

class Parent:
    x: int | str | None
    y: int

class Child(Parent):
    x: int  # Type error: 'x' cannot be redeclared with subtype because variable is mutable and therefore invariant
    y: str  # Type error: 'y' cannot be redeclared with an incompatible type

If a parent class declares the type of a class or instance variable and a derived class does not redeclare it but does assign a value to it, the declared type is retained from the parent class. It is not overridden by the inferred type of the assignment in the derived class.

class Parent:
    x: object

class Child(Parent):
    x = 3

reveal_type(Parent.x)  # object
reveal_type(Child.x)  # object

If neither the parent nor the derived class declare the type of a class or instance variable, the type is inferred within each class.

class Parent:
    x = object()

class Child(Parent):
    x = 3

reveal_type(Parent.x)  # object
reveal_type(Child.x)  # int

Type Variable Scoping

A type variable must be bound to a valid scope (a class, function, or type alias) before it can be used within that scope.

Pyright displays the bound scope for a type variable using an @ symbol. For example, T@func means that type variable T is bound to function func.

S = TypeVar("S")
T = TypeVar("T")

def func(a: T) -> T:
    b: T = a # T refers to T@func
    reveal_type(b) # T@func

    c: S # Error: S has no bound scope in this context
    return b

When a TypeVar or ParamSpec appears within parameter or return type annotations for a function and it is not already bound to an outer scope, it is normally bound to the function. As an exception to this rule, if the TypeVar or ParamSpec appears only within the return type annotation of the function and only within a single Callable in the return type, it is bound to that Callable rather than the function. This allows a function to return a generic Callable.

# T is bound to func1 because it appears in a parameter type annotation.
def func1(a: T) -> Callable[[T], T]:
    a: T # OK because T is bound to func1

# T is bound to the return callable rather than func2 because it appears
# only within a return Callable.
def func2() -> Callable[[T], T]:
    a: T # Error because T has no bound scope in this context

# T is bound to func3 because it appears outside of a Callable.
def func3() -> Callable[[T], T] | T:

# This scoping logic applies also to type aliases used within a return
# type annotation. T is bound to the return Callable rather than func4.
Transform = Callable[[S], S]
def func4() -> Transform[T]:

Type Annotation Comments

Versions of Python prior to 3.6 did not support type annotations for variables. Pyright honors type annotations found within a comment at the end of the same line where a variable is assigned.

offsets = [] # type: list[int]

self._target = 3 # type: int | str

Future versions of Python will likely deprecate support for type annotation comments. The “reportTypeCommentUsage” diagnostic will report usage of such comments so they can be replaced with inline type annotations.

Literal Math Inference

When inferring the type of some unary and binary operations that involve operands with literal types, pyright computes the result of operations on the literal values, producing a new literal type in the process. For example:

def func(x: Literal[1, 3], y: Literal[4, 7]):
    z = x + y
    reveal_type(z) # Literal[5, 8, 7, 10]

    z = x * y
    reveal_type(z) # Literal[4, 7, 12, 21]

    z = (x | y) ^ 1
    reveal_type(z) # Literal[4, 6]

    z = x ** y
    reveal_type(z) # Literal[1, 81, 2187]

Literal math also works on str literals.

reveal_type("a" + "b") # Literal["ab"]

The result of a literal math operation can result in large unions. Pyright limits the number of subtypes in the resulting union to 64. If the union grows beyond that, the corresponding non-literal type is inferred.

def func(x: Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]):
    y = x * x
    reveal_type(y) # Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20, 25]
    z = y * x
    reveal_type(z) # int

Literal math inference is disabled within loops and lambda expressions.

Static Conditional Evaluation

Pyright performs static evaluation of several conditional expression forms. This includes several forms that are mandated by the Python typing spec.

  • sys.version_info <comparison> <tuple>
  • sys.version_info[0] >= <number>
  • sys.platform == <string literal>
  • == <string literal>
  • typing.TYPE_CHECKING or typing_extensions.TYPE_CHECKING
  • True or False
  • An identifier defined with the "defineConstant" configuration option
  • A not unary operator with any of the above forms
  • An and or or binary operator with any of the above forms

If one of these conditional expressions evaluates statically to false, pyright does not analyze any of the code within it other than checking for and reporting syntax errors.


Pyright performs “reachability analysis” to determine whether statements will be executed at runtime.

Reachability analysis is based on both non-type and type information. Non-type information includes statements that unconditionally affect code flow such as continue, raise and return. It also includes conditional statements (if, elif, or while) where the conditional expression is one of these supported expression forms. Type analysis is not performed on code determined to be unreachable using non-type information. Therefore, language server features like completion suggestions are not available for this code.

Here are some examples of code determined to be unreachable using non-type information.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import sys

if False:


if sys.version_info < (3, 0):

if sys.platform == 'ENIAC':

def func1():

def func2():
    raise NotImplemented

Pyright can also detect code that is unreachable based on static type analysis. This analysis is based on the assumption that any provided type annotations are accurate.

Here are some examples of code determined to be unreachable using type analysis.

from typing import Literal, NoReturn

def always_raise() -> NoReturn:
    raise ValueError

def func1():

def func2(x: str):
    if not isinstance(x, str):

def func3(x: Literal[1, 2]):
    if x == 1 or x == 2:


Code that is determined to be unreachable is reported through the use of “tagged hints”. These are special diagnostics that tell a language client to display the code in a visually distinctive manner, typically with a grayed-out appearance. Code determined to be unreachable using non-type information is always reported through this mechanism. Code determined to be unreachable using type analysis is reported only if “enableReachabilityAnalysis” is enabled in the configuration.