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language server improvements

in addition to the pylance exclusive features, basedpyright also contains some additional improvements to the language server that aren't available in pyright or pylance.

autocomplete improvements

autocomplete suggestions for method overrides will automatically add the @override decorator:

for users targeting python <=3.11

since the @typing.override decorator was introduced in python 3.12, this functionality is only enabled if either:

important information for library developers

using typing_extensions creates a runtime dependency on the typing_extensions pypi package, so you must declare it as a project dependency. this is why basedpyright.analysis.useTypingExtensions is disabled by default to prevent users from unknowingly adding a new dependency to their project.

such mistakes often go undetected until your package is released and causes a runtime error for your users because the module may be available in dev dependencies but not production dependencies. (we recommend using tach to detect issues like these)

improved diagnostic severity system

in pyright, certain diagnostics such as unreachable and unused code are always reported as a hint and cannot be disabled even when the associated diagnostic rule is disabled (and in the case of unreachable code, there is no diagnostic rule at all).

basedpyright introduces a new "hint" diagnostic category which can be applied to any diagnostic rule, and can be disabled just like all other diagnostic rules. some diagnostics use a diagnostic tag (unused or deprecated) if your IDE supports them:

reportUnreachable = 'hint'
reportUnusedParameter = 'hint'
reportUnusedCallResult = 'hint'
reportDeprecated = 'hint'

here's how they look in vscode:

these diagnostic tags will still be present if the rule's diagnostic category is set to "warning", "error" or "information", but unlike pyright, they are disabled entirely if the rule's diagnostic category is set to "none".

deprecated completions

pyright/pylance supports strikethrough diagnostic tags on usages of deprecated symbols:

but basedpyright also shows them in completions: